
Tae Kwon Do
Student Handbook
Kata Guide
Teaching Manual
Preparing for Black Belt & Tournaments
Theory Test Manual
Tournament Planning Manual
Administration Manual
Operations Manual
Please see the drop down menu for a detailed description of the above books/manuals.
Books by the late Kancho Hideyuki Ashihara (out of stock)








Please try Ebay on a regular basis - you might find copies there.
Ashihara Karate “Get Together”
A Get together of Ashihara Karate and other Martial Arts friends will take place in November in Viborg, Denmark at the Danish Dai Ki Haku Honbu Dojo (Shihan Kurt Orum)
Seminar in Belgium on 19 November organised by Shibucho Johny Verheyden
Kaicho to visit England & Italy for training and tournament
Read about the June/July 2005 European Tour