For Men and Women
Everyone has a different notion what karate is. It brings to mind people kicking or pawing the air wearing pajama-like outfits. Or an image of power and speed applied by the human body to meet a threatening confrontation.
Karate means "empty hands." But what it is for each individual is as personal and specific as the way that individual goes about pursuing it. For some, Karate is a means to learn how to defend oneself against an attacker. For some, it is a way to condition and strengthen the body. Some may be attracted by the inner discipline and development that one finds through training. For whatever reasons, more and more people today are turning to the one sport that is also called an art form.
Ashihara Gym has been offering special Karate classes for men and women on a twice weekly basis. Classes are taught by Kaicho Hoosain Narker, the Director of Ashihara Karate in South Africa. Kaicho has trained overseas extensively and he was a finalist in the U. S. Open Championships in 1988. He has also taught "Ashihara Self-defence Principles" to the U.S. Army and whilst not tournament oriented succeeded in becoming the Grand Champion at the 1994 S. A. TaeKwonDo Championships, after which he represented this country at the World TaeKwonDo Championships.
The ultimately practical techniques of the Ashihara style have revolutionised Karate in Japan, where it has been the fastest growing form of Martial Art. Boosted by three best-selling technique books (two of which is available in English) and a brilliant videotape, it has spread all over the world.
The essence of Ashihara Karate is a strategy that enables its practitioners to convert defence into offence. It stresses the development of flexibility, power, and speed, emphasising stretching, conditioning and practice. The principles behind the movements one learns, reinforce the essential points for any physical activity - the use of the hips to enhance power (as in throwing or hitting a baseball), keeping one's weight centred and low (as when hitting a tennis ball), and so forth.
In the classes at Ashihara Gym, you will learn basic punches, kicks, and blocks. You will apply them in combinations, working with partners in controlled fighting situations. You will learn specific self-defence techniques - how to throw someone who grabs from behind, how to counter various frontal attacks. Classes consist of both practising basic techniques, and application of them in varied situations, so whether you are there for the first or twentieth or even your hundredth time, there will be familiar things to refine and new things to learn.
Sessions will run continuously. Karate is not merely a tool for protection in the face of danger. It can also provide a sense of confidence, strength and alertness in today's world. Don't miss this opportunity for you or your children to explore this sport/art form which is both practical and enriching. Here at Ashihara Gym, you can learn Japan's most popular style of Karate from one of its most versatile instructors.
This school is affiliated to Ashihara Karate International and regular visits is made by senior instructors. All gradings are usually conducted by Kaicho Hoosain Narker, the International Director for Ashihara Karate.
For further information watch for circulars at the Activities Desk or call Kaicho at 021-7011701 (office), e-mail: info@ashiharakarate.org |
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Ashihara Karate “Get Together”
A Get together of Ashihara Karate and other Martial Arts friends will take place in November in Viborg, Denmark at the Danish Dai Ki Haku Honbu Dojo (Shihan Kurt Orum)
Seminar in Belgium on 19 November organised by Shibucho Johny Verheyden
Kaicho to visit England & Italy for training and tournament
Read about the June/July 2005 European Tour